
Agriculture manages nature in order to produce food; it thus deals with comparatively long production cycles (1 year), is subject to considerable production risks (climate), and is perceived by the customer (Abraham Harold Maslow) as providing an unreliable/variable supply with regard to both quantity and quality. (read more...)


Agribusiness integrates production of agricultural products with a range of industries, especially food-processing industries, in the wholesale and retail sectors. Thus, traditionally, commodity markets (for agricultural products such as wheat, corn, oilseed etc. and processed goods such as starch, sugar, oil etc.) coordinate supply and demand with attendant risks. The Competences challenged are Supply-Chain-Management and Strategic Marketing. (read more...)


Evolving consumer needs and food safety requirements (legislation & marketing) are putting pressure on the traditional business culture, requiring traceability of food and integrating each player into the AgriFood Chain. New technology (IT/Internet) enables solutions for tracking & tracing along the supply chain ( that were unthinkable in classical Agribusiness.
Thus positioning, competences, business culture, horizontal vs. vertical cooperation, communication, organisation (structure vs. processes) and IT have to be checked for reorientation.

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